Saturday, September 17, 2011

What's up?

So, It's been over a week since my first paleo post.

I was planning on writing in this thing several times a week. So far, that hasn't happened.'s a post.

I'm still going pretty strong on paleo. Today was my first real "cheat" day. And not even the day...just a splurge. Although, yesterday was the Amy Grant concert, and I had a famous Washington Fair scone. But not really by choice. These people behind us gave it to us, and we couldn't really say no. They were these nice Christian people...wanting to get to know us. So, My mom and I took the scone. It was good...but probably not worth the cheat.

Today, however, we went to DQ. I got a blizzard. It WAS worth the cheat. But I notice the gut ache much easier that I'm eating crap free. :)

It's weird, but I seriously don't really want a lot of crap any more. I went to DQ tonight because I hadn't had a real splurge in a month and a half, my mom had a coupon and really wanted to go, so I went too. The whole fam did. Can't pass up a family outing.

But one thing I've noticed about Paleo's made me LOVE cooking and trying new things. I absolutely LOVE Everyday Paleo...a cool blog. Greatest recipes ever. Lots of good veggie recipes too (for my only reader, Ash...who's a vegetarian...and may not even read this after my first post. :)) But makes me excited about being in the kitchen. I've discovered all sorts of new favorites. AND...I LOVE paleo pizza. Who knew I'd like a pizza without cheese so much! This is where Vegans and Paleo eaters can actually agree...the pizza...kind of. :) But I made a paleo pizza last weekend with just a teeny bit of goat cheese sprinkled on it...the rest was organic tomato sauce and tons of veggies and some meat, and it was amazing. Vegans could skip the goat cheese and meat.

Tonight I experimented with coconut flower tortillas. I wanted to see if I could do it for Paleo chicken enchiladas next week. I did it! Totally simple...egg whites, coconut flower, baking powder and water. Good stuff. I'm excited for the enchiladas.

One thing I've struggled with is the rate at which I'm losing weight. I'm living at home right now, and my mom and I are doing this Paleo adventure together. We're eating the exact same things...we have the exact same activity level, and she's looking much thinner than I am, and losing more than I am. It bums me out just a tad bit, because she's in her 50s and I'm in my 20s...and that shouldn't happen. Plus, I've always been the same size as, if not bigger than my mom...practically since I was 12 years old. It's a bit discouraging. After this Paleo stuff, I'm beginning to think that she has a faster metabolism. Kind of not fair...but I guess that's just how the paleo nut cookie crumbles. :)

I have a gym membership at 24-hour I guess the trick is to start using it. :) I really really need to work out. REALLY. They say that the majority of losing weight comes from your eating habits...which I believe is true. BUT, if my metabolism truly is slow, then exercise would really help kick it up. AND, it would help with my depression/mood swings. AND it would help me get fit and healthy.

So...that's what's been up. I do want to post more this week...about wheat and the Word of Wisdom and some other health issues. I guess it's kind of hard for me to post in this blog when nobody's reading it. BUT, it's just good for me to do. It's something to answer to...helps keep me on the Paleo path.

My goal: Lose 40 lbs by January. I'm already down I guess 28 more. :)

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